Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Realizations of a Soon-to-Be-Published Romance Author

Romance is a lie.

An illusion that keeps the senses alive. 

The fools of this planet equate it with real love. I am a fool who refuses to be a fool. And so I struggle to promote real love, but even I got bored and confused. Curse of my humanity. I love and hate it at the same time.

I refuse to write a lie.

But this whole life is a lie; a place where you can find truth, but couldn't experience it fully. 

Truth is death.

And the hedonistic/sadistic human nature refuses it. It wants pain, just so it can revel in the pleasure. It wants to live. It thirsts for its humanity.

I want that pain.

And I don't.

But I have.

So, romance, let me write you. Let me be mad. Let me be human.